At St Paul’s we recognise the importance of knowing how our students are experiencing life here at school, so that we do what we can to preserve the parts of school life that are working well and, where possible, make changes to address areas which require improvement.
We check in with students through regular surveys, for example, as that gives us a clear general impression across a year group. Each year group also has its Student Council representatives and they play an invaluable role here at school.
The Student Council has been having a very busy year as they provided invaluable assistance at our schools 60th anniversary celebration and on our annual Open Night. More recently they were an exceptional help to Mr Carr as they supported him in the organisation of his annual Christmas Quiz. Very soon they will be active again as our school show will take place during the final week of this half-term.
We would like to thank them very sincerely for all they have done so far this year and wish them all the best for the remainder of the year. In recent years our Student Council has been supported in their work by Ms Monaghan, and we are very grateful to her for the time and care she takes with this important group in our school community.
Photo credit: Rynes Walker (past pupil of St Paul’s Secondary School)