ASD Class (Sr. May’s)
Sr. May’s is a newly established ASD class within St. Paul’s Secondary School. The class is named after Sr. May, the original founder of the Special Education Department within the school. Sr. May’s ASD class reflects the inclusive ethos of St. Paul’s Secondary School which is based on the belief that students with special needs should receive their education within the most supportive environment. This focus on realising the full potential of each individual student will endeavour to develop the students’ life skills and prepare them for life after school in an ever-evolving model of best practice.
Special Education Needs Mission Statement:
St. Paul’s Secondary School endeavours to provide quality education for all students in a caring disciplined and respectful environment. We aim to prepare students for life and responsible citizenship and to motivate them towards the achievement of their full potential.
The purpose of the ASD class is to assist students with ASD to leave school with the skills necessary to participate, to the best of their ability, in an inclusive way in society and to live independent and fulfilled lives. Wherever possible the students in Sr. May’s ASD Class are integrated within the mainstream school.
Curriculum and Integration:
All students attending the ASD Class in St. Paul’s Secondary School attend mainstream classes in so far as possible. Sr. May’s ASD Class will provide the relevant supports for students with ASDs to enable them to integrate into the mainstream classes, so as they can be taught alongside their peers with the majority of their learning taking place there.
During time in the ASD Class, Students have access to an extended curriculum (either individually or in a small group setting) where they will receive social and life skills training, a sensory programme and stress management strategies. The L2LP programme is also offered as part of the new Junior Cycle curriculum where it is deemed suitable. Students will also benefit from pre and/or post tutoring of mainstream subjects.
The Individualised Timetable:
Students in Sr. May’s ASD Class operate from an individual modified timetable. The number of academic subjects undertaken is wholly dependent on their needs and abilities. Activities in the ASD Class are also student specific. Each student’s timetable is constantly under review and changes can be made throughout the academic year if necessary.
Reasonable accommodations have been put in place in an effort to negate the stress that is associated with class tests and exams for students with ASD.
Mainstream teachers are asked to give adequate notice of all class tests. Students in the ASD Class have the option of completing class tests within the ASD Class with the teacher or SNA. Students may also be provided with appropriate reasonable accommodations (RACE) if deemed necessary by the State Examinations Commission.
This process is continued up to and including the Junior Certificate Examination (and beyond if necessary) where reasonable accommodations, if deemed necessary, are made for students with ASD under the direction of the SEN Co-ordinator and in consultation with students/ parents/ mainstream teachers.