Transition Year
The timetable for Transition Year is centred around the normal school timetable.
The core subjects for all TY students include:
- Mathematics
- Irish
- English
- Religion
- Career Guidance
- French or German
- Information Technology
Students will complete modules in all Leaving Certificate optional subjects:
Each student will also take modules in:
- First Aid
- Recreational Sports
- Safe Driving
- Work Experience
- Music
- Magazine
- Survival Cookery
The TY students also take part in various other events during TY. These include:
• An outdoor pursuits outing for three days to Killary where the students do canoeing, surfing, hill-climbing, rock-climbing and orienteering.
• Production of a School Musical where all aspects of the show are undertaken by the students from the actual acting, singing, props, art work, programme production, costumes, make-up and backstage management.
The Musical is an action-based project which each TY group has successfully taken on since 1989.
• European School Tour where TY students visit a European city where they visit sights of cultural and historical interest.